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Blanket Project

Blanket Project

There is something incredibly satisfying about completing a project. And the longer it takes to complete….well the more satisfaction I get. I started making this crocheted blanket YEARS ago (2018) but could not get it done by the time Spring rolled around. It was big...

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Most of my time spent praying has not necessarily been with a Bible cracked open. But how much richer would my prayer life be if I did? . . . #Christian #Prayer #Faith #God  #hope #love #Pray #Truth #inspiration #Planner #thankful #blessed  #blessings #Jesus...

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the impossible

the impossible

Every year, I reflect on what has transpired in the past 12 months. Writing down mountaintop moments, valleys, lessons learned and opportunities for improvement or change helps me get out of my head. What was a nebulous mess in my mind becomes more clear when specific...

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Flooded With Light

Flooded With Light

I started the Armor of God study by Priscilla Shirer and this was one of many scriptures covered in the first week. The image, created by Lance Brown, beautifully captures the spirit of praying for someone's heart to be flooded with light and for their spiritual...

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                There are praises to be sung this morning! Sarah, my sister-in-law, gave birth to two, healthy and good sized, twin girls yesterday!! They are a little earlier than we anticipated, at 32 weeks gestation, but we...

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A reminder of who and where my strength comes from.   But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength. 2 Timothy 4:17   #Christian #Prayer #Faith #God  #hope #love #bible #Pray #Truth #inspiration #Christianity #thankful #blessed  #blessings #Jesus...

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Gratitude Over Anxiety

Gratitude Over Anxiety

In my anxiety over looming things, I have been getting on my knees a lot more, asking for guidance some, but giving thanks for the thousands of things I have been blessed by. There is something truly peace-full about honoring the things I am thankful for with...

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New Year

New Year

New Year's often elicits reflections of the past year and thoughts of how to improve for the new year. I actually divide a page into four quadrants and title each square with 1) Mountaintop/Wins 2)Valleys/ Struggles 3) Lessons learned 4) Opportunities for...

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The Chosen

The Chosen

  There is an ad for The Chosen, that read something like "don't binge on Netflix, binge on Jesus." The Chosen is a series depicting the life of Jesus and his disciples as they traveled. Season 1 has 8 episodes which Jason and I finished last night and it was...

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