Ivonne Rivera-Newberry
My walk in faith
Episode 5 of the Walk in Faith podcast. Today, we hit pause on our ongoing Bible series to tackle a timely and controversial topic that`s been making waves across social media and news headlines. Our focus? The intense backlash to NFL player Harrison Butker`s commencement speech at Benedictine College.
I dive into Butker`s bold remarks, which touched on a variety of hot-button issues such as abortion, diversity initiatives, and traditional family roles. We`ll explore why these comments sparked such strong reactions, what this means for Christians in today`s society, and the challenges of standing firm in faith amidst cultural pushback. Join us for a critical look at how believers can navigate a world that often opposes biblically-sound truths and Christ-centered values.
Stay tuned for an in-depth discussion that promises to challenge and inspire. Remember to follow us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to never miss an episode.
Reconciling the past few days reveals the meaning of bittersweet.
We blinked and our baby became a young woman. She turned 18 on Friday. We moved her into her dorm at Oklahoma State University on Monday.
We hustled to park in the loading zone right at the start of our 30 minute window. We hustled to find carts to load all the stuff from the cars to the carts and then quickly unpack all the stuff in the dorm and return the carts and move the cars.
We met Peanut`s roommate and her parents. With all the craziness we see in our world, Jason and I breathed a "thank you Jesus" because they seemed normal. That is an answer to prayer. We didn`t get to meet the other two roommates, but so far so good.
We grabbed lunch then a food and supply run at Walmart and then back to the dorm to unload everything. Jason gave all the advise a father would give his daughter and a long hug. We took pictures in front of the dorm building. We left to grab Starbucks before we hopped on the road and got a call from a strange number. It was Peanut calling on her rommate`s phone because I had Peanut`s phone in my purse. We drove back to give her the phone and got on the highway. We picked up Brutus from doggy daycare and got home.
This is when it sunk in.
Our baby who is not a baby anymore is gone. Not gone gone, but gone from under our roof, gone from everyday interactions. And if I am being honest, she was gone before she actually left. She was ready for this next season of her life. The question is ….are we?
Jason and I began unpacking a little of the heaviness in our hearts. We realize just how blessed we are. God chose us to be the parents of two extraordinary human beings. For all our faults, we could have ruined them. We didn`t start seeking God and putting Him in the center of our relationships and lives and household until 15 years into our marriage. The children were in middle school by then. But God. Look at what He can do. Look at what He did with our babies. Jason and I have no business taking credit for that. The glory of the good fruits we see in our babies go to God alone. Jason and I weren`t always good stewards of the blessings He gave us…Read more in bio link
Surreal. That’s how it felt living through last weekend celebrating Peanut’s graduation. Our baby graduated top 10% of her class, had loads of experience working with animals, and is ready to start her college career at Oklahoma State University in August. Each child is special and Isabel has more that sets her apart in the best way possible. I spent hours pouring over photos and videos of her as a baby, toddler, little girl, young woman. Hours spent coordinating these photos to Ludovico Einaudi’s “Nuvole Bianche” through tears as I reminisced about all the moments God blessed us with Isabel. My mama’s heart burst with overwhelming love ….and pride. We are so proud of her. Hard to believe she is 17yo and college bound, when she was just clip-clopping around in my heels at 4yo with sunglasses, a purse hanging off her shoulder, pushing baby dolls around in the bright yellow little tikes shopping cart.
It is surreal because I blinked and she is all grown.
Congratulations Peanut….we love you and anxiously await to see how God unfolds your purpose and employs your talents🧡
#classof2023 #highschoolgraduate #graduation #God #blessed #Jesus #OklahomaStateUniversity