Blog Posts
God is Good
Even when God works in everything for our good, not everything that happens to us is good. We live in a fallen world. It is often out of brokenness and desperation, that we seek God. And God will take that opportunity to open your heart's eyes…..if you let Him. God...
Faith Over Fear
9:37 Amidst all the headlines that stoke fear and uncertainty, the thing that keeps coming to me is the full armor of God bestowed to all who believe. All of the pieces of armor are significant (belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, helmet, and sword) because they all go...
When I run a brush through my hair…this is what I get!! LOL!! As a little girl Isabel called my curly hair "crazy" and would say, "mama I want crazy hair like yours." Gotta love the stuff kids say:) And no, I did not order coffee looking like this, but I might as well...
In a world where needs and wants are often confused, this was a timely reminder for me…..maybe for you. . . . #Christian #Prayer #Faith #God #hope #love #Pray #Truth #inspiration #trust #thankful #blessed #blessings #Jesus #JesusChrist #encouragement...
The Stuff of Marriage
So grateful to have this man as my husband. We can have "heated fellowship" and call each other out on our nonsense and in the same breath…. bridge and gasp for air between hearty belly laughs. In the end, it's never about "winning" the argument and more about owning...
Ode to Hands
Hands are ordinarily extraordinary. They allow us to do the most mundane tasks, yet manifest things we create in our minds into this world. If our hands and all of their parts could talk, would the thumb be an elitist, thinking itself above all the other digits? Would...
Even then…
Even when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Even when the words are not forming to pray. Even when I am surrounded by those who take pleasure in my hurt or humiliation. Even when I am flailing in calm seas or a storm. Even when I have mountains staring down at...
Nothing is Something
In my walk with the Lord, I have often questioned if the thing that came to mind is of me or from God. I loathe that question because it can have a paralyzing effect. And in that analysis paralysis, it can insidiously undermine my relationship with God. We are called...
Check Up
Our poor Isabel got a little woozy as the phlebotomist had to stick her twice to get the blood she needed for the labs ordered. She tried to bargain for Chik-fil-a since she had to be stuck by three different needles. I had forgotten both her and her brother got their...