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Thoughts & Control

Thoughts & Control

Today's Coffee with God led me to an Oswald Chamber's devotion. It spoke of the concept of divine control. I have so often struggled with control in my life. I have learned to be more accountable to the things that I do have control over and to trust God in the things...

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What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Today's coffee with God was about having faith in God and what that really means. What does it mean to have faith in God?  What does having faith in anything mean? Faith can mean having confidence or trust in a person or thing. We make decisions regularly based on the...

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The Power Of An Apology

The Power Of An Apology

I recently had lunch with an unlikely colleague. I say unlikely because what transpired between us, while we worked together, was ugly. While I contributed to the ugliness in ways, I acknowledge and ways I simply don't see, she took significant unparalleled steps...

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Parenting Teens

Parenting Teens

For all the parents who are in the adolescent stage, what big lessons have YOU learned? I would love to know. We have a 13 (soon to be 14) year old daughter and 15 year old son. We are hitting some bumps around parent imposed boundaries, integrity and social media, a...

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Share Generously

Share Generously

We are not mean to be alone. We are made for fellowship and we each have different gifts (Romans 12:6). Just as we don't expect our fingers to see and our eyes to hold a pen, we should also not expect our talents to match those around us. We are all wonderfully made...

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Our Love Story

Our Love Story

Our love story began 17 years ago today. Looking back, I can't help but ❤️ our love story more each year. Small town boy meets big city girl while training in the Army. Both of us coming from broken relationships. Both of us with our own pile of baggage. We literally...

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Encouragement From The Unlikely

Encouragement From The Unlikely

My women's group is currently doing a bible study on encouraging one another. In one activity we listed ways in which we could encourage different people we encounter in our lives. One category of people we listed encouraging things for were strangers. A few weeks...

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April is Gone

April is Gone

That look when the month of May shows up like that unannounced guest when you are showered, have your PJ's on, and flipped up the lazy-boy leg rest….and then goes on and on about the end of another school year will soon be here. I. CAN'T. EVEN. #endofschool...

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Enjoying our small group study of "Experiencing God at Home" by Tom & Richard Blackaby. There are many ways God speaks to us. One mentioned is that God speaks through our circumstances of life. This is important because sometimes we don't read the bible, we don't...

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